About Proliance Password Policy

In Proliance, you can configure password policy restrictions that govern password strength, how long the password can be used, and account locking. A strictly enforced password policy helps to reduce the possibility of a security breach from unauthorized users.

Out-of-the-box, the system password policy defaults to the most basic setting:

Proliance Password Policy applies at the organization level. Every Proliance Org has its own Password Policy that can be overridden at the user account level.

Proliance Password Policy and other Modes of Authentication

Proliance Password Policy applies to users who log in using the Proliance Forms Web interface. In addition to Proliance Forms-based authentication, users can log in to Proliance using Custom Authentication or Integrated Windows Authentication.

ClosedPassword Policy and Custom Authentication
ClosedPassword Policy and Integrated Windows Authentication

Password Policy Settings

Password strength is a measure of the effectiveness of a password in resisting unauthorized access. The strength of a password is a function of length, complexity, randomness, and the frequency at which it is changed.

In Proliance, you can set a password policy that enforces a combination of password restrictions:

ClosedPassword complexity
ClosedMinimum password length
ClosedPassword history
ClosedMinimum password age
ClosedPassword maximum age
ClosedGrace Period to change password

You can configure account lockout policy as part of you password policy. For more information about account locking in Proliance, see "Configure Account Lockout Policy Settings".